Breastfeeding is a divine act! Young Mothers’ must take pride in it: Dr. Santhoshini

  • World Breastfeeding Week is an occasion to create awareness and encourage the process
Hyderabad, August 6th, 2022: Aware Gleneagles Global Hospital, one of the prominent healthcare providers in the city, today commemorated the World Breastfeeding Week (August 1st – 7th) with an awareness session on the importance of breastfeeding newborn babies. Dr. Santhoshini, who conducted the session stressed on the importance of breastfeeding and health benefits associated with it.
Speaking at the session, Dr. Santhoshini Gowrishetty, Consultant Obstetrics & Gynecology, Aware Gleneagles Global Hospital said, “Mother’s milk is equated to ‘liquid gold’, because it consists of many antibodies which provide a long-lasting immunity to the child to tackle potential risks to health. Breastfeeding helps provide best and cheapest nutrition to newborn babies and helps arrest potential complications like respiratory problems. Feeding infant is a healthy act for mothers too, because it helps them burn at least 500 calories each day, which in turn helps cut down excess body weight. Breastfeeding an infant is a divine act, and every mother must take pride in doing it.”
“Some parents tend to give formula foods to their infacts, and these foods are not natural. These formula foods can cause complications like gastrointestinal diseases or cause respiratory tract infections among infants. It has been noticed that formula foods even have adverse effects on the intellectual development of a child. Interestingly, mothers who do not breastfeed their infants are at an increased risk of suffering from breast cancer than those who do breastfeed,” added Dr. Santhoshini.
Mother’s love and mother’s milk are the purest in the world, and breastfeeding an infant is the most affectionate act ever on this earth! For the first six months, every infant must be breastfed mother’s milk and nothing else. This will ensure proper growth of the child and help build immunity against various ailments. Composition of breastfed milk changes from time to time to suit infants’ nutritional needs, and no formula foods can ever match this accuracy.
Initiated in 1992, World Breastfeeding Week is an annual celebration organized by the World Alliance for Breastfeeding Action (WABA), in association with the World Health Organization (WHO), and UNICEF. This week is conceived to promote breastfeeding of every infant in the first six months of life, which is considered as the steppingstone for a healthy individual and an accomplished society.

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