She Teams Completes ‘5’ Years In The Service Of Protection Of Women

In view of completing 5 Years of ‘SHE’ Teams, a function was organized at ‘Shilpakalavedika’ on 24th October 2019. Taking this as an opportunity new initiatives like E-learning courses on Women Safety and Cyber Crime, a special software for the functioning of SHE Teams, dedicated social media platforms of Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and YouTube were launched were  the purpose of creating awareness regarding women safety, a documentary film on SHE Teams and 5 other short films were also launched. 

The program was attended by 

  • Sri Mahamood Ali, Hon’ble Minister for Home, Prisons, and Fire services

  • Smt. Satyavathi Rathod, Hon'ble Minister for ST welfare, Women & Child Welfare

  • Smt. Sabitha Indra Reddy, Hon’ble Minister for Education

  • Sri Ranjith Reddy, Member of Parliament

  • Smt. Kavitha, Member of Parliament

  • Sri Naveen Kumar, Member of Legislative Council

  • Sri A.Gandhi, MLA

  • Sri Mahendar Reddy, Director General of Police

  • Sri Sunil Sharma, IAS Principal Secretary to Government, Transport Department

  • Smt. Swathi lakra, IPS, IG Woman Safety wing

  • Sri Santosh Mahra IPS, ADG

  • Sri Anjani Kumar, IPS, CP, Hyderabad

  • Sri Mahesh Bhagwat, IPS, CP, Rachakonda

  • Sri Sajjanar, IPS, CP, Cyberabad

  • Ms. Harichandana, IAS, GHMC zonal Commissioner

Five years ago on 24 October 2014, the Telangana police realizing the importance of women safety introduced SHE teams in the Hyderabad City Police. The modalities of creating an all new team was specially designed for women safety and to address sexual harassment issues. A sense of confidence is what the government wanted to provide to the women and the task though herculean was achieved within a short time. The top brass of the Telangana State police after studying the success of the SHE team’s concept in the city introduced it across the entire State from April 2015.

The journey continues to date with more and more women approaching SHE teams every passing day confidently and seeking their help. So far in its five-year journey the SHE teams took up 33,687 cases across the Telangana State. The women in distress reached the SHE teams through Dial 100, Whatsapp, Social Media, Hawk-Eye Application and Directly walked in to its offices for help. The SHE took up cases and registered 2587 First Information Reports and 5608 Petty cases against the respondents. 

There are total 310 SHE teams working 24/7 in coordination with the local police of the cities/towns/ districts of Telangana. The teams identify hotspots and carry out regular surveillance of the area to nab the wrongdoers. Each team is headed by a sub-inspector and comprises a lady constable and three men constables all equipped with latest spy cameras to record the mischief of wrongdoers before apprehending them. 

Counselling is another important aspect of the SHE teams wherein trained counsellor holds sessions for the respondents who are caught harassing the women. The counsellors interact with the respondents in the presence of their family members and later monitor their activities as a deterrent from repeating the misadventure. 

The success of SHE team’s concept attracted police teams from other States of the country. The police from various parts of the country visited the city and studied the concept, functioning of the teams and ground results. A proud moment for the State police, the police from Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, Odhisa, Gujarat have formed SHE teams on the lines of Telangana SHE teams. Few more States will be shortly introducing the concept as details have been sought by the other police departments. 

Awareness Programmes about various aspects of women safety and protection laws by the SHE teams are held at public places including railways station, bus stations, educational institutions, markets etc. The most important element of SHE teams is that it maintains the confidentiality of the victim/complainant which is appreciated and help women feel confident to come out and complain against wrongdoers.  

Not only are the SHE teams acting as a deterrent for wrongdoers, but the SHE teams concept has also found space in the Intermediate Curriculum of Telangana State Board. SHE teams also organize self defense training programs at schools and colleges. 

The SHE teams functioning under the Women Safety Wing of the Telangana police headed by Smt Swati Lakra, IPS Inspector General of Police frequently holds training programs for the team members in how to deal with cases of sexual harassment in the most professional way. Training modules are prepared in consultation with all stakeholders including a psychologist, legal experts and counsellors. Emphasis is laid on following the Standard Operations Procedures (SoP) for better results and to instil confidence in women who approach it. 

On the occasion of the fifth anniversary of the SHE teams a documentary and five short films directed by Sri Pratap Rana to create awareness regarding ‘SHE’ Teams and its functioning was launched. 

E-learning Courses on Awareness on SHE Teams

To increase the horizon of training activities carried out by SHE Teams, free e-learning courses have been initiated by Telangana State Police (Women Safety Wing) and Swift eLearning Services with the sole purpose to raise public awareness on women safety among the citizens especially women.

The following e-learning online courses will be launched today.

  • Street Sexual Harassment Awareness

  • Cyber Crimes Awareness

By adopting this training methodology, another feather has been added to the cap of awareness programs by the Telangana State Police (Women Safety Wing). 

By using these training courses, the users will be able to

  • Identify the forms and consequences of Street Sexual Harassment and Cyber Crimes.

  • Learn about the consequences and impact of such crimes.

  • Outline the ways to approach SHE Team in case of harassment or eve-teasing

Elearning will provide an edge to the SHE Teams and empower them with online training. The target audience of the SHE Teams campaign is the general public. We encourage all citizens especially college students who are well equipped with technology take these courses and learn online at their convenient time.

This course is available for free on

At the end of this course, there shall be an assessment of random 10 questions and upon successfully answering at least 8 questions, an awareness appreciation certificate endorsed by SHE Teams and Swift E-learning Services shall be generated online and issued to the user. Any School/College/Corporate/NGO who wishes to include these frees course for their students/Employees can reach out to Mr. Sayeed on 9573302126 for further assistance.



  • She Teams Application is developed to maintain the electronic format of She Teams petitions and investigation process. 

  • It is very useful for end-users and senior officers.  

  • On the experience of usage in Hyderabad city, it is updated and made user-friendly application. 



  • The dashboard contains 4 options

  • Petitions

  • Observations

  • Counselling

  • Campaigns


This application has 3 modules:  

  • SuperUser:   Superuser is the main user, he can create the District Admin users and all masters of the application.

  • District Admin:   District Admin can create all the role-based users of the unit and masters of PSs and Areas.

  • Role-based users:   Role-based users Assistant, Team leader, Approver, Team manager and Read-only use the application as end-users.


  • Different kinds of reports are generated like

  • Petitions – new petitions, investigating, team leader closed, admin authorized, closed petitions, pending for PS feedback,    

  • Petitions pending team-wise

  • Petitions Pending time team wise

  • Nature of disposal, suspect details etc..

The Year Wise breakup of SHE Teams data is enclosed in a separate Annexure-A.


 Dr.Andrew Fleming, British Deputy High Commissioner, Telangana & Andhra Pradesh -The ‘She Teams’ are a phenomenal concept and Telangana is the pioneer in India recognising the synergy between women’s safety and prosperity. On this, their 5th anniversary, I offer hearty congratulations on behalf of all the UK in Hyderabad team, keep shining.

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