Doctors at SLG Hospitals successfully treat 72-year-old man with an uncommon ailment

  • Doctors at SLG Hospitals successfully treat 72-year-old man with an uncommon ailment, which could have led to amputation of right leg
Hyderabad, July 11th, 2022: SLG Hospitals, one of the leading healthcare facilities in the city, today announced that they have successfully treated a 72-year-old gentleman suffering from an uncommon ailment, which could have led to amputation of his right leg.

Mr. Venkat Reddy, a resident of Hyderabad, presented to us with a large swelling over his right thigh, which has been rapidly progressing in size for the past few weeks, causing severe pain, and resulting in gait disturbance. Necessary scans and tests revealed presence of a multilobulated mass measuring 30 x18 cms in size arising from the medial and posterior compartments of thigh. The mass was in very close association to the femoral vessels, which supply blood to the entire lower limb.

Commenting on the case, Dr. Srikanth Soma, Consultant Surgical Oncologist, SLG Hospitals said, “A radical surgical resection with adequate margins was performed on the patient to dissect the mass. After hours of meticulous dissection , we could save his lower limb vasculature and at the same time, not compromising on tumor margins. The tumor weighed  4 kg and the histopathological examination of the mass indicated a  pleomorphic  liposarcoma, which means a tumor originating from fat cells of the body. Post operatively, the wound has healed well and the patient is being planned for adjuvant radiation therapy. There were no functional deficits in the limb and the patient is able to walk normally .The patient will be monitored for the period of therapy, to avoid any possibility of tumor recurrence.”

In many similar cases patients are forced to undergo amputation of the leg to save lives. But in this case, doctors at SLG Hospitals were successful in obtaining wide margins to preserve the femoral vessels. And it is due to this, doctors were able to ensure functional reconstruction of the limb and avoid amputation.

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