Doctors at Aware Gleneagles Global Hospital remove 206 Kidney stones from a patient in one hour

  • Patient was suffering from severe pain in the left loin for six months due to these stones in the kidney
Hyderabad, May 19th, 2022: Doctors at the Aware Gleneagles Global Hospital, one of the leading healthcare facilities in the city, removed 206 kidney stones from a patient in just one hour through keyhole surgery. Due to these stones, the patient was suffering from severe pain in the left loin for over six months, which got further aggravated due to rising temperatures in these summer months.

On April 22nd, Mr. Veeramalla Ramalakshmaiah, a 56-year-old resident of Nalgonda, approached doctors at the Aware Gleneagles Global Hospital, who went through his case history. He was using certain medication suggested by a local health practitioner that only provided short-term relief, but the pain continued to impact his daily routine, and was not in a possible to perform his duties efficiently.

Commenting on the case and treatment, Dr. Poola Naveen Kumar, Senior Consultant Urologist, Aware Gleneagles Global Hospital said, “Certain initial investigations and ultrasound scan revealed presence of multiple left renal caliculi (kidney stones on the left side), and the same was reconfirmed with CT Kub scan. Patient was counselled and prepped for a keyhole surgery that last for one hour, during which all caliculi (stones) were removed, which amounted to 206 in numbers. Post the procedure, the patient recovered well, and was discharged from the hospital on the second day.”

In successfully conducting the procedure, Dr. Naveen Kumar was ably supported by Dr. Venu Manne, Consultant Urologist; Dr. Mohan, Anesthesiologist; and other members of nursing and support staff.

With extremely high temperatures in the summer days, many people suffer from dehydration, which could result into formation of stones in the kidneys. As a word of caution, Doctors at the Aware Gleneagles Global Hospital recommend people to consume more water, and coconut water (if possible), to stay hydrated. It is also important people avoid or reduce traveling under hot sun, and not consume soda drinks which would further add to dehydration.

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