Biological E. Limited reduces CORBEVAX(R) price to Rs.250 a dose

Hyderabad, May 16, 2022:Biological E. Limited (BE), a Hyderabad-based vaccine and pharmaceutical company, today announced that it has reduced the price of its COVID-19 VaccineCORBEVAX®, from Rs. 840 to Rs.250 a dose inclusive of GST,for Private COVID-19 Vaccination Centres.For the end user,the price would be Rs.400 a dose, including taxes and administration charges.
BE has lowered the price of its vaccine with the aim of making it more affordable and help increase the reach to protect the maximum number of children against the virus.The decision comes within weeks of Biological E. Limited received Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) for children between 5 and 12 years of age. The previous private market price for the vaccine was Rs.990 a dose including taxes and vaccine administration charges.

CORBEVAX® is also offered in a single-dose vial, making it more convenient for vaccine administration.It eliminates vaccine wastage, which is a major advantage for private hospitals.

The CORBEVAX® vaccination slot can be booked through the Co-WIN app or the Co-WIN portal for children aged 12 to 17.So far, 43.9Million doses ofCORBEVAX® have been administered to children across the country and Biological E. Limited has supplied close to 100 Million doses to the Government of India.

Biological E. Limited, in collaboration with Texas Children's Hospital and Baylor College of Medicine, has developed a recombinant protein sub-unit vaccine for the novel coronavirus, CORBEVAX®.Prior to receiving EUA for vaccination, the company conducted Phase II and III multicentre clinical trials in 624 children aged 5-12 and 12-18.

Biological E. Limited (BE), a Hyderabad-based Pharmaceuticals & Biologics Company founded in 1953, is the first private sector biological products company in India and the first pharmaceutical company in Southern India. BE develops, manufactures and supplies vaccines and therapeutics. BE supplies its vaccines to more than 130 countries and its therapeutic products are sold in India and the USA, Europe. BE currently has 8 WHO-prequalified vaccines in its portfolio and 5 USFDA approved Injectables.

In recent years, BE has embarked on new initiatives for organizational expansion such as developing specialty injectable products for global markets, exploring synthetic biology and metabolic engineering as a means to manufacture APIs sustainably and developing novel vaccines for the global market.

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