The relationship between high blood pressure and kidney health By Dr.Priyank Salecha

  • Dr.Priyank Salecha, Consultant Urologist and Andrologist at Apollo Spectra Hospital Kondapur Hyderabad
The most commonly affiliated condition with high blood pressure is heart disease. But, a lesser-known fact is that blood pressure is one of the top causes of kidney-related conditions too. The damage can go to an extent where the kidneys may give up functioning. High BP is the second most prevalent cause of health conditions related to kidney subsequent to diabetes.
The relationship between high blood pressure and kidney health is interdependent. High blood pressure is a tricky condition that paves the way to other complications associated with the heart and kidney. Higher BP can also have an adverse impact on the brain and eyes. It is imperative to keep a close check on the blood pressure levels in order to maintain healthy kidneys and prevent any long lasting effects on the body. Blood pressure level and its variability need to be checked against suggested targets by the doctor.
Risk factors of High blood pressure
An Unhealthy Body Mass Index
Maintaining a healthy weight is crucial to keep a number of diseases at bay.  Small amounts of weight loss can eventually have a significant impact in preventing or treating high blood pressure.  A daily diet that includes more fiber and less carbs combined with regular exercise can play a vital role in maintaining a healthy weight and  in turn lowering risks of high BP.
Smoking, Alcohol, and Caffeine consumption
For people suffering from high BP, it is highly recommended to avoid smoking and alcohol or caffeine consumption. The consumption of alcohol and caffeine increases the chances of developing high BP. Although smoking increases the risk of cardiovascular diseases, smoking in combination with caffeine consumption may aggravate blood pressure conditions.
Sleep deprivation
When an adult gets less than 6 hours of sleep, it is considered to have a significant impact on overall health. Regular deprivation of sleep may lead to high blood pressure in not just adults, but children too. The lesser amount of sleep one gets, the higher the risk of developing high BP. Regulated sleeping hours will help in reducing the chances of developing high blood pressure.
High blood pressure and in turn, kidney health management, can be done by adopting the right mix of medication and lifestyle changes as follows:
Lifestyle changes
Reduced salt intake: A balanced, low-sodium diet is an important measure to be taken in order to reduce the risk of developing high BP. This can be achieved by consuming high fiber foods including fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, sticking to low-sodium foods, and eating limited portions of food.
Staying active: Exercising regularly by dedicating a minimum of 30 minutes on a daily basis helps regulate metabolism and maintain a healthy weight. Risks of high BP will reduce by incorporating this habit into one’s daily routine. Additionally, it also improves general body health

Keeping in mind these practices and regularly tracking blood pressure levels, not only helps maintain kidney health but contributes to the overall well-being of a person.

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