Our Food Pvt Ltd and Telangana Government collaborate to setup 20000 micro food processing units in Telangana

  • To generate employment for 100000 rural youth
Hyderabad, Telangana, March 12, 2021: Our Food, a Hyderabad-based agri tech startup, today announced that it has signed an MoU with the Telangana State Government to setup over 20000 units across the state. As part of this agreement, Our Food will collaborate with the Telangana Government to setup 20000 micro food processing units to cover all the major crops grown in Telangana State focusing on rice, pulses, groundnut, millets, turmeric, chilli. The food processing equipment would be manufactured at Our Food’s state of the art manufacturing facility in Zaheerabad and will promote make in Telangana initiative.
This engagement will augment the process of setting-up of food processing units in the vicinity of farms, these units will generate rural employment and also increase opportunities to improve farmer’s incomes. Our Food has partnered with financial institutions to facilitate the setup of food processing units by potential rural entrepreneurs.
The collaboration will bring to fore the following benefits:
  • Create direct employment for at least 40000 rural youth and indirect employment for at least 60000 people.
  • Value addition at the farm level, thereby increasing farmer remunerations and reducing post-harvest losses
  • An investment of INR 1,535 crores shall generate a revenue of INR 24,409 crores, a net profit of INR 2,440 crores to the farmer franchises and up to 4,881 crores to farmers over a period of 5 years
  • Nearly 500 farmers per franchise unit; a total of 20000+ units shall benefit more than 100 lakh farmers over a period of 5 years through better price realization
In a press conference announcing the collaboration, Mr. Jayesh Ranjan, Principal Secretary, IT and Industries said “It is our constant endeavor to promote startups in AgriTech space. This MoU will enable the farm level processing, thereby benefiting farmers and unemployed youth. Our Food’ proven track record, technical advisory expertise, and the support they have brought to this project made them our partner of choice in this journey.”
Balareddy, CEO of Our Food, said, “This collaboration shall help in reaching out to more educated rural unemployed youth in all corners of the state. He added that currently more than 1000 units have been set up by Our Food across 9 states including Telangana. All machinery shall be ‘Made in Telangana’ at the machinery manufacturing unit set up in Zaheerabad and supplied to all parts of the country.”
OurFood has been helping rural youth to setup micro food processing units in the rural areas close to the farming community since 2015. To bring the farm level processed products directly to the consumer by eliminating middlemen and strengthening the market linkages, Our Food has launched its own brand of products in February 2021.
Mr. K Chandrasekhar, CMO of Our Food said, “Our Food products strike a chord with all consumers who want to contribute to the betterment of the incomes of the famer. Emphasizing on its tag line ‘Responsible Consumerism’, Our Food branded products aim to provide sustainable marketing solution to the farming community while providing high quality products to the consumer.”

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