AdiGroup Along With SV Group Makes ‘Formal Education for All’ a Reality

  • Announced global firm,Ed4All, with a Vision to transform Nations through Formal Education for All
  • Launched BLEAP® – born digitalFormal School education for India
  • Will revolutionise the Education segment by emerging as a shining example of Make in India, for the World
Hyderabad, February 2021: London-based business conglomerate, AdiGroup in association with SV Group today initiated a new chapter in the Education segment by launching Ed4All, a born digital Formal Education platform, with singular focus – eliminate education inequalities by powering every individual with formal education. As a first step the company is set to bridge educational inequalities in K12 by introducing BLEAP®, a born-digital formalschooleducation product supported by Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning with Content, Delivery and Device packaged together, known as School-in-a-Box, at extremely low cost. BLEAP® is powered by Microsoft®, and delivered on Flipkart and Jio platforms. ThisgivesBLEAP® technological superiority and unparalleled reach to small-town India, thus serving aspirants across nook-and-corner of the country.

Commenting on the initiative, Mr. Sanjay Viswanathan, Chairman AdiGroup and Co-Founder, Ed4All said, “This is a new and exciting chapter in the journey of Education - the birth of Ed4All. I loved the name Ed4All because it meant Education for All, the most crucial element of a living human’s life that makes them empowered. No one should be called uneducated and that’s our mission.”

“Core of our belief with education is in levelling the field for everyone. Ed4All is about every individual prospering through formal education. The Internet is themost powerful equalizer, and we see it as our purpose to leverage it, and with the power of AI make formal education available to as many people as possible. We want to ensure that no matter who you are or where you are or how basic or advanced the device you have...Ed4All serves you with formal education.Educational institutions play a key role in this mission and I am proud to partner with SV Group, one of the hidden gems in the Indian education segment reputed for producing great quality students with world class teachers based on CBSE and State Board curriculum– for over Six Decades.” added Mr. Viswanathan.

BLEAP® is first-of-its-kind digital product for complete school education, based on NIOS(The National Institute of Open Schooling) curriculum. Aimed at millions of students – and those who could not pursue education in their early life across the country – to study, learn, take exams, and complete their formal school education, online. Students can learn at their own pace, schedule, location and learning capacity. With Govt-recognized and legitimate certification available from NIOS, an autonomous institution under the Ministry of Education (Govt. of India), the student has every aspect of formal School education covered with BLEAP®.

Mr. K T Pillai, Trustee SV Group and Co-Founder, Ed4All added, “SV Group has been in K-12 school education for a long time. We are reputed for delivering quality education in the state of Tamil Nadu. Until now it was physically impossible for us to deliver our brand of education across the country. With BLEAP®, we are delighted to partner with AdiGroup to design, develop, and deliver high quality school education – Digitally – that is extremely affordable and accessible to anyone who wants to complete their formal school education, anywhere in India and the World. That is why we chose to build BLEAP® on latest Microsoft® technology for Education.”  

Elaborating on the launch of BLEAP®, Mr.Viswanathanadded, “While India’s literacy rate has steadily increased from 18% in 1951 to 77.7% presently, Digital can foster this growth by enabling current students across social strata and those who could not pursue education earlier. We see huge opportunity to dramatically improve wayEducation is delivered with technology being placed in the hands of Teachers and Students. Our core customer is that factory worker in L&T, or Uber/Ola driver or waitress in TajHotels in Rajkot or Coimbatore or Jakarta or Hanoi, who aspires to give his or her children the foundation to succeed in life through Education. That is why we chose to deliver BLEAP® to students in small-town India through reach of Flipkart and Jio platforms. We welcome the innovative participation of Corporates, Educationists,Business leaders, and world class Partners,so we can further strengthen and accelerate this Initiative. And as a result of all this, improve the lives of as many people as we can.”

BLEAP® powered by Microsoft® is designed and developed for regular school education from accessibility, convenience, efficacy, and affordability perspectives, to help build the Foundation to succeed in Life.For more information, please visit

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