Telangana Governor appreciates GCOT for their efforts for village monograph

  • This is a new swadeshi moment, says Governor
  • First lady of the state appreciates GCOT for their efforts in forming village monographs
Hyderabad, 3rd October, 2020: The Telangana governor Dr.Tamilisai Soundarrajan has appreciated GCOT for coming forward with a global declaration called “Reimagining India for the New World Order”. She said she is proud to say that it's a New Swadeshi Moment. The governor has participated in the virtual meeting being conducted by Gramodaya Chamber of Commerce and Technology (GCOT) and delivered her address on Saturday.

Here is what she said, in her own words…
"I am extremely happy to join you all in celebrating the 150th Mahatma Gandhi Jayanthi Utsav, being organized by “Gramodaya Chamber of Commerce and Technology” (GCOT).  It gives me immense happiness that GCOT has awarded 150 eminent personalities and unsung heroes with “Gramodaya Bandhu Mitra Puraskar”.  Today, we all are realising the importance of Self-discipline in the wake of COVID 19 pandemic. As a medical doctor, I can understand how important cleanliness is in our day today life, the greatest mantra of Mahatma Gandhi which today is highly relevant for Swatch Bharath and Swastya Bharath.
The vision, mission, and various activities of GCOT reinforce by belief and showcase the power of Alumni of any institution coming together for a cause and working together to fulfil the “Gram Swarajya” dream of the Father of the Nation.
GCOT’s efforts in understanding various challenges villages are facing and evolving a model called, “Village Monograph'' is highly commendable.  The father of our nation strongly believed and advocated that India is in its Villages. I am also happy to note that GCOT is working closely with PJTSAU to set up an Incubation Centre, Promote Telangana Sona Rice, and several other initiatives. Vice Chancellor Mr Praveen Rao’s effort in guiding and supporting GCOT team in achieving their objective is appreciable. As the Chancellor of Universities in Telangana State, I urge all the Universities to work with GCOT on developing Village Monograph and empower the rural Indians in line with Unnat Bharat Abhiyan initiative taken by Govt. of India. I will guide GCOT in collaborating with the different Universities and institutions of the state on the lines of UNNATH BHARATH ABHIYAN (UBA)  and UGC guidelines in adopting the villages The alumni associations behind the GCOT like Gandhi Medical, Institution of Engineers, Osmania Medical , Osmania Engineering, Osmania Technology, Osmania Management etc.  gives me confidence that they can achieve overall wellbeing of the village community.
As world intellectual community perceives the current pandemic being equivalent to 10 world wars, our Indian ethos that drove the world towards vasudaivakutambakam. In such scenario GCOT coming forward to unearth the governing principles, cultural practices and administrative systems and facilitating the relevance of these principles with the present crisis in order to address the global well beingness through a form of global declaration calling “Reimagining India for the New World Order”.  I am proud to say that this is a NewSwadeshi Moment. I sincerely appreciate the thoughts initiated by this Utsav committee Chairman Dr Pratap Reddy, GCOT Chairman Shyam Prasad Reddy, Chief Advisor Shyam Mohan, General Secretary Ram Reddy, Founder Delhi Vasanth and their team members.
The new world order:

We are all meeting in the midst of Corona pandemic which is the invisible enemy of humankind today.

The Corona pandemic has shattered the world in all its effects from each individual to all institutes and all countries big or small developed or undeveloped and it has been nearly 9 months the entire humanity is speechless and with minimum action taken on the health front and we have lost million lives and disabled a few more millions

The 20th century saw two world wars and the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, but the damage was not as much as Corona pandemic and that the wars and bombing was man initiated was manmade. But today the Corona pandemic has caused what mankind has not witnessed before.

But what humankind has done during the last century to the God gifted nature are a testimony of the present effects, where our air has been polluted; we emit maximum debris and pollution which is the root cause of global warming. The UNO should take initiative to bring on board all the leaders of major countries with the preamble that we all stand United to convert Corona pandemic and achieve a equitable and healthy world.
The WHO with all research institutions should be united to continually manufacture vaccine at affordable prices and in time bond time and we distributed throughout the world. The world pharma industry should be also United to produce anti Corona drugs and deliver  at affordable prices. The doctors and health staff who are the front line worries are to be protected personally and supported in all aspects in the line of duty and sacrifice against Corona.

Then comes the most important issue of livelihood where millions of citizens throughout the world are jobless and thousands of industries, small or big has been closed. A united plan of priority has to be planned in short term to medium term with the support of national and world financial institution.
In this pandemic the most effected in the society are 1. the students, 2. The urban poor,3. The migrant labour . The solution for the students is to inculcate into them virtual learning with distance education. The effects of urban poor and migrant labour has to be dealt on utmost priority and urgency by the government on both social and economic needs. The last and most important responsibility of every individual in this time of pandemic 1. To be self distancing , 2.compulsory mask wearing, 3.self discipline when outside and at last any symptoms report to the doctor.
I personally introduce with a pranam the vision and mission of The Mahatma to the 21st century in the time of Corona pandemic .1. India is a great country has to invoke the spirit of India nationalism and world universalism. 2. Combat Corona we all have unitedly follow Corona prevention protocol, Mahatma Gandhi profest personal hygiene. 3. To combat economic effects let us follow self reliant, self production, self conservation by simple living and adopting life style changes in the society .The Mahatma to achieve his ultimate goal of vasudhaiva kutumbam with humanist approach and universal brotherhood. 5. To emulate and take action on the vision of mahatma idol's we propose a movement as nav-swadeshi-andolan for uniting  our nationalistic forces and setting an example to the world and it's leaders that it was a mahatma who change the history of the 20th century by the Indian freedom movement and today we the People of India declare to be a part of the world movement to fight Corona pandemic and establish a new world order of social and democratic equality.

If all of us are committed to the ideals of Mahatma we should all walk the talk . The Mahatma sacrificed his life for the independence of the nation. We all are enjoying it ! 

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