Jayesh Ranjan graciously released the Brochure 'TELANGANA MINERAL RESOURCES & INITIATIVES'

The Dept. of Mines & Geology is a technical wing of the State Govt. with the objectives & functions of mineral promotion, exploration, regulation and mineral revenue to the State Exchequer.

After Re-organization of the State in 2014, the Dept., under the proficient policy & initiatives of the State Govt., the Dept. is taking up diligent steps for effective regulation of mining activity facilitating efficient, transparent & entrepreneur friendly mineral administration in the State.

For the purpose of dissemination of information, the Dept. has compiled a Brochure “TELANGANA MINERAL RESOURCES & INITIATIVES” with a comprehensive data/information on the functioning of the Dept.; Mineral Resources & its district-wise & mineral-wise occurrences and distribution in the State; Policy Initiatives;  Scope for establishment of mineral-based industries; Mineral Revenue Targets & Achievements and Mineral Production & value for the last 5 years; Initiatives taken-up for mineral investigation and exploration to tap major & minor minerals and resource audit of existing mineral deposits; implementation of information technology; initiatives taken-up for rehabilitation/reclamation of abandoned pits etc.

Sri Jayesh Ranjan, IAS, Principal Secretary to Govt. & Commissioner Industrial Promotion and Principal Secretary to Govt., Information Technology, Electronics & Communication Dept., graciously released the Brochure “TELANGANA MINERAL RESOURCES & INITIATIVES” on Dated:08.08.2019.

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