Telangana CS holds review meeting on the implementation of new Presidential Order, 2018

Somesh Kumar, IAS, Chief Secretary, Government of Telangana held a review meeting today with 16 departments on the implementation of new Presidential Order, 2018 in BRKR Bhavan. The Chief Secretary asked the Secretaries concerned to furnish draft G.O. proposals regarding organization of local cadres in respect of posts under their departments without further delay.

The Chief Secretary said that proposals were received from 57 HoDs out of 109 HoDs in the state and asked to furnish the proposals of remaining 52 HoDs immediately.

Rani Kumudini, IAS, Spl Chief Secretary, Labour, Employment, Training and Factories, Rajath Kumar, IAS, Prl Secretary, Irrigation, Vikas Raj, IAS, Prl Secretary, GAD, Siva Shankar, IAS, Senior Consultant, Finance, Ravi Gupta, IPS, Prl Secretary, Home, Ronald Rose, IAS, Secretary, Finance and other officials attended the meeting.

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