Skill Building to be taken up in Telangana in a big way

An interactive meeting was held today at the National Academy of Construction a Government of Telangana institution located at Hyderabad. Sri.B. Vinod Kumar, Hon’ble Vice-Chairman, Telangana State Planning Board, Govt. of Telangana chaired the meeting which was attended by Sri. K. Bikshapathi, Director General, NAC and Prof. V. Venkata Ramana, Vice-Chairman, Telangana State Council of Higher Education and Co-convenor, Education & Skills Panel CII Telangana along with senior officials of NAC and consultants of different branches of NAC.

At the outset, the director general of NAC presented the various initiatives being undertaken by NAC and the demand and supply details of skilled persons in the state of Telangana and all over the country.

Prof. V. Venkata Ramana, Vice-Chairman, Telangana State Council of Higher Education and Co-convenor, Education & Skills Panel CII Telangana made a presentation about the best practices in skilled manpower development in different states and also internationally. He explained to the participants the need for a integrated approach to meet the gaps and requirements of the market. He assured the unstinted cooperation to NAC so that a proper planning of the activities to be taken up in Telangana and prevent unforeseen shortages in the market.

Sri. B. Vinod Kumar, Hon’ble Vice-Chairman, Telangana State Planning Board, expressed his happiness about the performance of National Academy of Construction in addition to the various other sectors to which the economy is facing shortages.

He opined that, since Telangana is emerging as the industrial and economic hub of the Country there is huge demand for skilled manpower which needs to be identified and steps to be taken to bridge the gap. He enquired about the various programs both short-term and long-term being undertaken by NAC through the active help of sponsoring organizations. Due to COVID-19 he felt that there could be a shortage of skilled manpower which poses a challenge and equally an opportunity to develop more manpower.

He also expressed that the earlier experiments undertaken by the Central Government did not yield the desired results and hence the whole skilling efforts needs to relooked. He suggested that the experiences of the different states should be studied by NAC and the best practices may be collected and compiled for the benefit of the Government. He further stated that the Hon’ble Chief Minister has expressed a keen desire in skilling the youth of Telangana. Sri. B. Vinod Kumar suggested the NAC should expand the level of activities and also give a thrust to the placement of the trained manpower and do a skill gap analysis may be made and training the youth in different trades and undertake gamut of activities and provide services. On this occasion, the tree planting was planted by Sri. B. Vinod kumar along with Prof. V. Venkata Ramana and Sri. K. Bikshapathi, Director General, NAC.

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