Arvind Kumar inspects the works at IKEA junction

Hyderabad: Principal Secretary Municipal Administration Arvind Kumar today said that the HMDA is completing development works on  war footing  fully utilizing the lockdown period.  The lesser traffic due to the lockdown in the usually crowded ikea junction has enabled the HMDA to take up beautification works.

Mr Arvind Kumar today inspected the works being taken up at the ikea junction near the IT corridor and instructed the officials to complete the works within one week.

Landscape beautification at the rotary of the ikea junction is being developed jointly by the engineering and urban forestry wings of HMDA.  The works have been taken up in two pockets. The landscape is proposed with  sculptures and age old aesthetic trees with illumination.  Apart from junction improvements and greenery the junction is being developed aesthetically with metal designs of various animals.

Five olive trees and other stone carvings  are also being set up.  Commuters will be in for a pleasant surprise once the lockdown ends, Mr Kumar observed.   Hgcl MD Santosh, CE HMDA B L N Reddy and other officials were present.

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