Telangana Governor Tamilisai Soundararajan visits PJTSAU

Farming is the first and most respectable noble profession in the world said Dr.Tamilisai Soundararajan , the governor of Telangana State here at the Professor Jayashankar Telangana State Agricultural University(PJTSAU), on Thursday. Hon’ble Governor Dr.Tamili sai Soundararajan , has visited the PJTSAU to know about the Teaching, Research and  Extension activities of the  University. Governor had arrived the university campus in the morning at 9.30am, Dr V Praveen Rao, Vice Chancellor of PJTSAU, Dr S Sudheer Kumar, Registrar PJTSAU and other university officers were welcomed the governor at the  university inner gate.

Governor has begins her visit by offering floral tributes at the statue of professor Jayashankar and proceeded to Rice Section located  in Agricultural Research Institute, Rajendranagar, where she interacted with rice scheme scientists. She observed the mechanized paddy transplantation, growing mat nursery, direct seedling method in paddy, drum seeder method and  also visited the paddy poly house in the rice section research farm. VC has explained to Hon’ble Governor about new rice varieties developed by university and its popularity among the farmers in Telangana and neighboring states. Later, she visited the University Knowledge Management Center (KMC- university central library), Walking Tunnels at Horticulture Garden, Millet Processing and Incubation center, Natural dyes processing unit in the campus.

After that governor has visited the university auditorium where she observed the exhibition show cased of various research schemes and innovative programs of the university. Later, she had interaction with the students in the robbing hall.  While interacting with the students Governor had said that, agriculture is the first profession in the world, farmers and agriculture has the first place in the world she added. She stated that,  every agriculture graduate should be proud of their degree they are not only pursuing degree they are the feeders of the people. And also they must be proud of studying in the worldwide renowned university she added.   Hon’ble Governor also advised the students to take challenges whenever they got opportunities than they can able to show case their abilities she said.  Governor has appreciated the Vice Chancellor Dr V Praveen Rao for putting efforts to getting international recognition to the  PJTSAU   

Earlier, Dr Praveen Rao, has explained about university activities to the governor through video presentation. VC said that, university is striving hard to serve the farmers to make agriculture as profitable venture. He further added, university working with several  national and international institutions and universities by collaborating to ensure modern technologies to the students and farmers.

Hon’ble Governor had released booklets and CD’s on package of practices in Redgram, Drip irrigation, Sprinkler. Members Board of Management committee of  PJTSAU, Several university officers, students were  participated.

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