5 easy ways to prevent Vitamin deficiency

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As we live in a fast-paced world, we are often short on time, stressed and lead unhealthy lifestyles. This often results in poor eating habits, skipped meals and dependence on unhealthy food that lacks essential nutrients. To maintain a good health, consumption of nutrients especially vitamin is very important. Eating a vitamin enriched diet can help keep your body healthy and running.

When the body is missing out on vitamins, the risk of developing diseases caused by deficiency increases and can lead to several medical conditions. While the deficit of Vitamin B12 can reduce the healthy red blood cells increasing the risk of anaemia, lack of vitamin D can lead to loss of bone density and lack of Vitamin C can make a person tired, weak, and low on energy.

Here are some of the tips to start increasing nutrients and vitamins in your diet-

 Consume lots of fruits and vegetables: The best way to avoid any nutritional deficiency is by consuming a wide variety of fruits and vegetables. Including vegetables like spinach in your day-to-day diet helps provide the body with vitamin C and Vitamin K apart from other nutrients.

 Include fibre in your diet- Whole grains and food rich in fibre helps in lowering the risk of type 2 diabetes.. Beans, berries, and avocados are rich in fibre and you should include it in your diet

 Vitamin supplements- The lack of Vitamins in the daily diet is mostly supplemented through tablets, capsules, or syrups, but the absorption and impact of these are low. Thus to ensure a quick and easy solution, Vestige Prime Absorvit Oral sublingual spray is helpful, which can provide the body with Vitamin C, D, B12 and multivitamins. In addition, it also has 3-10 times better absorption capability.

 Soak up the sun - Vitamin D helps to regulate the amount of calcium and phosphate in the body. It is also important for bone, teeth and muscle health..

 Increase the intake of Antioxidants- Antioxidants such as vitamins C and E can help stop or limit the damage of the cells in our body. These are also very important to avoid cancer and protect the healthy cells. Plant-based foods including dark grapes, sweet potatoes, berries, nuts, seeds and even cocoa are the best sources. They also make for a great snack and can be eaten as part of a healthy diet.

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