Specialists at Nova IVF Fertility gives the dream of parenthood to couple who struggled for 6 years

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  • 40% of infertility cases are related to male fertility
  • Lifestyle conditions contributes to decrease in quality of sperm count
  • Fertility checkup for men is equally important
  • Smoking, alcohol, excessive gym, steroids, processed food & improper usage of gadgets could lead to male fertility issues
Hyderabad: Nova IVF Fertility in a press conference today presented a remarkable case where they helped a couple who had been struggling to conceive since 2015 experience the joy of parenthood. This medical feat was achieved by Dr. Lakshmi Chirumamilla, Fertility Consultant at Nova IVF Fertility, Banjara Hills, Hyderabad, and her team of embryologists who have given a ray of hope to several couples who are dealing with infertility.
In an extremely complicated case wherein the aspiring father had severe condition called – “Oligoasthenoteratozoospermia” (a condition where the man has low sperm count and low sperm motility), the team of doctors at Nova IVF Fertility Hyderabad helped the couple get pregnant and deliver a healthy baby. The treatment was done by Dr. Lakshmi Chirumamilla, Fertility Consultant at Nova IVF Fertility, Banjara Hills, Hyderabad. The case defied all odds as the couple had visited several fertility clinics since 2015, but without any success. They had lost all hope, until they came to Nova IVF in the year 2020.
Mr. Karthik and Ms. Sapna (names changed) got married in the year 2015 and were longing to start a family together. After failing to conceive for a year they decided to go for a fertility check up. The baseline investigations regarding the fertility treatment showed that Mr. Karthik had severe Oligoasthenoteratozoospermia, which meant that he had both low sperm count and motility (the sperms cannot move forward). In such cases, the degree of infertility is even more severe which makes the chances of subsequent conception, very unlikely.
Before visiting Nova IVF Fertility, the couple had multiple treatment failures at different clinics in Hyderabad. They underwent ovulation induction cycles, IUI (Intrauterine Insemination) and even IVF (Invitro Fertilization). The IUI procedure had to be canceled as the husband was not able to provide the sample. Their IVF Treatments too did not result in successful embryo transfer, after two failed attempts. Since it was already over 6 years as the couple were struggling to experience the joys of parenthood, they had lost all hope as since as they seemed to be running out of options.
In 2020 however, they decided to give it one more shot and visited Dr. Lakshmi, who conducted all baseline investigations related to infertility and semen analysis to understand their issue.
Speaking about the case Dr. Lakshmi Chirumamilla, Fertility Consultant at Nova IVF Fertility, Banjara Hills, Hyderabad said “A study reported that 40% of infertility cases were related to men, 40% of women, and 20% of both sexes. At Nova IVF, we believe that the right treatment starts with a precise diagnosis. Hence, we take utmost care in taking proper history, based on which we advise specific tests which help us to diagnose the reason behind infertility, and then the right plan of treatment can be suggested. We believe every patient and their treatment plan is unique.
The case was quite challenging. The husband had a case of severe Oligoasthenoteratozoospermia. This is not a very common condition. We have seen about 4% of our male patients in Hyderabad with this condition. There was poor sperm count and low motility as well (problems in movement of the sperm). I suggested the couple to go for ICSI procedure, where a tiny needle is used to inject a single sperm into the center of the egg of the woman. Once the fertilisation occurs, the embryo grows in the laboratory for 1-5 days, and then it is transferred into the woman’s uterus”
“The wife, Sapna underwent stimulation for 8 days which was followed by egg retrieval. After the procedure, we combined her eggs with the husband’s sperm and 4 embryos were formed. Before the embryo transfer, we suggested she undergoes Endometrial Receptivity Array (ERA) test and Hysteroscopy Procedure. The ERA Test helps in determining the appropriate timing for the embryo transfer to increase the chances of successful implantation. Hysteroscopy helps in checking if the female’s uterus is healthy enough for pregnancy. As the couple had undergone multiple disappointments before coming to us, we made sure to do all the necessary tests and procedures, to increase their chances of pregnancy this time.”
“After the ERA Test and Hysteroscopy, we made the embryo transfer in August 2021. Two embryos were then transferred after it was fully formed at 5 days. However, 15 days later, beta hcg (the pregnancy test) was done which turned out to be positive. We strongly believe that international standards technology in Embryology combined with our highly experienced and skilled staff made us achieve this feat.  The feeling of complete satisfaction and immense pleasure of giving happiness of parenthood to couples craving for children is beyond comparable”
Commenting on the success of the procedure and experiencing the joys of becoming a parent, the father Mr Karthik said “We had lost all hope as we had already visited multiple fertility clinics but were met with a negative pregnancy test. Consulting Dr. Lakshmi at Nova IVF was the ray of hope we desperately needed. Though our case was quite complex, she and her team of experts patiently explained us the process and were very supportive throughout the procedure. It is due to their efforts and dedication of the team at Nova IVF Fertility Hyderabad, that we are blessed with a healthy and happy baby who is now 2 months old.  Infertility can be extremely emotionally tough for couples, we urge all couples who have trouble conceiving, to come forth and consult a fertility consultant. “
There has been a rise in male infertility issues in Hyderabad. We have seen increasing cases of Azoospermia where the patient has zero sperm. Testosterone used in any form can be detrimental to sperm production. So, when the sperm count is low don’t use testosterone supplements to improve sperm production. There can be multiple causes of male infertility. It could be because of an unhealthy and sedentary lifestyle. Smoking, drinking alcohol, obesity, improper usage of electronic gadgets, eating too much processed foods, and intake of steroids for gymming, can all lead to male infertility issues.

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