Yoga and Heart- Insights from a senior cardiologist

Dr B.Hygriv Rao, Senior cardiologist, Director Pacing and Electrophysiology- KIMS Hospitals
Yoga is an ancient Indian therapy that is one of the most frequently practised alternative therapies in the western world. This evolved about 2500 to 3000 years ago with sage Patanjali teaching some of the practical concepts.
Though Yoga has its beginnings in India, it popularly practised in the western world as alternative medicine. The yoga postures resemble regular exercise, but they differ from it as it combines 3 things- Asanas (Postures), Pranayama (Synchronous breathing) and Dhyana ( Meditation).Each of these individually or in combination have been systematically studied in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases. This is because it has been realized by scientists that most of heart diseases are governed by imbalance of nervous control of heart called Autonomic nervous system. The two components of this system are the sympathetic system which increases heart rates, blood pressure, anxiety, muscle tension and sweating . While the other component Parasympathetic nervous system causes heart rates to decrease, and blood pressure to be lower. Yoga corrects the imbalance between the two systems in the human body. It potentiates the beneficial effects of nervous control of heart and diminishes the harmful effects.
Yoga decreases body mass index, corrects abnormal fat distribution, Increases protective cholesterol (HDL) and reduces harmful cholesterol (triglycerides and LDL). All these lead to decreased coronary artery disease which is a major cause of mortality in India. Yoga has a positive contribution to better control of blood pressure and may result in patients needing lesser medications. Researchers have shown that practice of Yoga leads to less inflammation in the body and less chances of Heart attack.
In KIMS Hospital, a focused research was carried on by Team led by senior cardiologist and Electrophysiologist Dr Hygriv Rao. In their research they showed in that, practice of Tadasana in patients with sudden loss of consciousness (Syncope) reduced the frequency of this problem significantly. (Figure below) Patients solely by practice of this Asana without any medications could get relief from this serious problem. This results of this research received international recognition as it was published in the prestigious Journal of American College of Cardiology- EP.
Dr Hygriv Rao said that he prescribes Yoga in different forms to many patients with heart problems particularly those caused by stress. In post covid situation, lot of young people present with palpitations , increased heart rates and anxiety. Practice of Pranayama and meditation has hugely helped these patients. These patients were subjected to large number of tests and different medications without any benefit.
In addition the yoga maneuvers help patients with arrhythmias(rapid heart beats) and may have a role in reducing incidence of sudden death in patients with Heart failure.
Yoga is likely to assist cardiologists in treating a number of Heart diseases.