Doctors at Aware Gleneagles Global Hospital save life of young girl suffering from deadly fungal infection

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Hyderabad, January 19th, 2022: Doctors at the Aware Gleneagles Global Hospitals (LB Nagar), one of the leading healthcare facilities in the city, announced that they have successfully saved the life of a young girl, who was suffering from a deadly fungal infection. This infection _ post trauma mucor infection _ is a rare occurrence among road traffic accident cases.

Around October month last year, a 24-year-old girl (name not disclosed at patient's request) suffered a road traffic accident on the outskirts of Hyderabad and was shifted to a nearby healthcare facility for first aid and initial treatment. Subsequently, patient was shifted to Aware Gleneagles Global Hospital for better care. Debridement was done on the injury to clean it better. And considering the condition of the wound, doctors at Aware Gleneagles Global Hospital pre-empted the risk of fungal infection and started administering anti-fungal treatment immediately.

Commenting on the complexity and treatment administered, Dr. Kalyan Chakravarthy, Consultant Plastic & Reconstructive Surgeon, Aware Gleneagles Global Hospital said, “The patient was admitted to the hospital with a high degree of contamination due to dirt and dust, which could at times result into amputation. We performed multiple stages of debridement (removal of damaged tissues), along with administering specific high-powered drugs. Resurfacing of wound and rehabilitation happened over three months, and after a prolonged care, the victim has recovered, and is ready to return to her daily routine.”

Road traffic accidents and associated complications could at times lead to devastating complications, including permanent disability. Developing mucor infection as a post-trauma side-effect is a serious complication and requires great experience and expertise to cure the problem fully. Dr. Kalyan Chakravarthy and the team of experts at Aware Gleneagles Global Hospital ensured this victim recovered fully to get back to life after three months.

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