Doctors successfully removed an orbital tumor in a Woman's eye

- "Doctors successfully removed an orbital tumor in a Woman's eye through nose endoscopy surgery by KIMS ICON Hospital Vizag."
Dr.T. Sai Balarammakrishna explains about this rare surgery 'when the woman complained of bleeding from her left nostril . However, such nasal problems are usually diagnosed with nose endoscopy and we did a nose endoscopy and didn't find a problem, then a CT scan of nose and sinuses was taken and noticed a tumor in the left orbit or the eye ball socket, pushing the eyeball outwards and will cause pressure on the eye ball muscles and the nerve supplying the vision if left unattended
The tumor from the inner aspect of the eye was removed by nasal endoscopic approach after in consultation with ophthalmologist and taking all precautions.
Previously eye surgeries like DCR , optic nerve decompression are performed by nasal endoscopic route, but removal of eye ball tumour through nose is first of its kind in his experience and as a rare surgery which requires skill and precision apart from high end endoscopy equipment and instrumentation said the surgeon. Another sensitive aspect of this surgery is that the inner membrane of the tumor is tightly attached to the muscles of the eye ball and it was removed in total without any damage to the surrounding tissues. Such surgeries have been very rare till date. The patient said that she had suffered a minor head injury six years ago. If the tumor had not been removed, the pressure on the eye would have increased and there would have been a risk of complete loss of vision.
The patient recovered rapidly after the surgery. She said the bleeding had stopped and the headache had completely subsided. She was subsequently discharged' he added.
Dr. Sai Balaramakrishna said that the tumor biopsy has reported it as Epidermoid cyst. However, it has been confirmed that there are no cancer features in the histopathlogy examination by the pathology lab.
Nose endoscopy usually clears the problems in the nose and sinuses and also if there is any fluid leak from the brain or any tumors in the brain from skull base area . However clearance of eye tumour in the eye through nose endoscopy method by avoiding any scar on the face and with preservation of the eye sight is very satisfying " Dr. Sai Balaramakrishna expressed his happiness.