Heritage Foods won all three coveted awards at National Energy Conservation Awards 2020

- First of its kind in Dairy sector
The Awards were received by Vice Chairman and Managing Director of Heritage Foods Smt. Nara Bhuvaneswari and Head Operations Mr. DVRK Prasad at an award function organised virtually by Bureau of Energy Efficiency, Ministry of Power, Government of India in the presence of Honorable Minister of State for Power, New & Renewable Energy Shri R.K Singh.
While this is an industry record by itself, Heritage Foods has reached a new milestone by winning all the three Awards this year by breaking the previous record of two awards in the year 2015. The evaluation period considered for these awards is from 2016 to 2020.
At these three Plants, Heritage Foods had invested Rs.1325Lakhs and able to save Rs. 122.6 Lakhs in the year 2016-17, Rs. 53 Lakhs in the year 2017-18, Rs. 56.9 Lakhs in the year 2018-19, Rs. 86.6 Lakhs in the year 2019-20 (Total 14% Saving) in energy utilization in the above evaluation period of 2016 to 2020. These investments are made towards technology up-gradation and innovative processes in Operations.
Receiving the Award, Nara Bhuvaneswari, Vice Chairman and Managing Director said, “Heritage Foods Limited is committed to conserving energy in all its units spread across India. We continue to provide resources and acquire technical expertise to achieve this goal. As a responsible and progressive organization, we strive to create benchmark standards in the Dairy Industry in all aspects.
With these Heritage Foods’ National Energy Conservation Awards count reached a total of 11 awards since 2008. It had won these Awards in the years 2008, 2010, 2012 and 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017 & 2020.