Rare treatment for a 9 months old baby, extracted 5 cm bearing stuck in the throat

- 9 months baby undergoes rare surgery in KIMS Kurnool
- 5cm bearing struck in throat
- Dr. Rajendra Prasad removes it by endoscopy
Finally, we have identified a foreign object (Bicycle bearing) in the throat. Immediately, we made some space in the esophagus using emergency endoscopy equipment and then carefully removed the foreign object with Maggle Foreceps. The baby faced difficulties in breathing and swallowing due to the metal object. The 5 cm bearing is very dangerous when it gets struck in the 9 month old baby's throat. We could save the life of the baby as the parents brought her on time.
Now the baby is completely recovered and is breathing normally. The baby was completely healthy when she came for the next followup. Children usually play with metal objects, coins, magnets, and needles. So parents have to be very careful and keep them out of children's reach. As the KIMS Kurnool hospital has the facility to do endoscopy to even infants, we could save the baby's life."