Pediatricians at KIMS Saveera hospitals save the life of a premature baby

Anantapur, October 19, 2020: Premature babies usually develop a lot of health complications. Such children are usually treated in corporate hospitals of big cities like Hyderabad and Bangalore with a NICU facility and a multidiscipline team of doctors. But, saving such lives in the second tire towns like Anantapur is a big challenge to doctors.
Such a case has come to KIMS Saveera hospital of Anantapur, where the team of Pediatricians and other specialists have fought for nearly one month and saved the baby's life. A young pregnant lady, aged 26 years is presented at the 7th month of pregnancy with uncontrolled pregnancy-induced hypertension and Doppler changes (decreased blood flow of fetus) at the hospital. So the emergency cesarean section is done, and she delivered a female baby with only 1180 grams of weight.
Due to prematurity and low birth weight, the baby got admitted to NICU. Because of the premature lungs, the baby developed difficulty in breathing. So, she was given 'SURFACTANT', a medication given by tube through the airway to ease the work of breathing. Meanwhile, the baby developed sepsis and required ventilator support for 5 days. She was secured with PICC ( peripherally inserted central catheter), a procedure hardly done anywhere else in Anantapur, to administer medication.
The baby was started with Oro Gastric Tube feeding and put on Kangaroo Mother Care. Mother is thoroughly trained in the method of feeding and KMC. The baby has thrived well and gained a weight of up to 1350 grams at 30 days of life without any comorbidities. So, nearly after one month, the baby is discharged. These premature babies require a multidisciplinary approach with a good Paediatric team, OBG, Radiologist, Ophthalmologist, ENT doctors, and good nursing care. This is where KIMS SAVEERA Hospital provides a platform in dealing with such babies. Both the parents of the baby Mr. Mohan and Mrs. Lalitha Mohan have thanked the Paediatric team of Dr.P.V.Raghavaiah and Dr. Mahesh, both Consultant Pediatricians for giving a new lease of life to their daughter.