Family role is crucial in elderly people care: Telangana Governor

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Hyderabad, Oct 1: Governor Dr. Tamilisai Soundararajan on Thursday emphasized the role of family in taking care of the elders in the society.

“The governments have been coming out with series of welfare measures for the senior citizens, but the care, support and affection of the family members are vital in the health, safety and dignified living of the elders,” she added.

The Governor was addressing a virtual conference on the theme of “Empowering Elders: Building an Age- Friendly and Caring Society,” organized by the Help Age India organization on the occasion of the International Day of Older People, here.
Stressing on the importance of gratitude that we must show to our parents, grandparents and other elders in the society, Dr. Tamilisai Soundararajan exhorted the youngsters to respect the numerous sacrifices made by our elders for our upbringing. Whatever we are today is because of their sacrifices.

“Studies pointed out that those who show gratitude to nature, elders, society and for all the good things that we were blessed with were found to be living a positive life without depression. It is time that we show gratitude to our elders and take care of their physical, emotional and psychological well-being,” the Governor added.

Dr. Tamilisai Soundararajan stated that it was inappropriate to treat the older people as ‘spent force’ or ‘extra baggage,’ instead they must be treated as our assets and treasure houses of wisdom, knowledge and support systems.

She said that it was our age old traditions that bestowed greater respect to our older people and we must continue to respect them and treat them in a dignified manner so as to enable them to lead a fulfilled life.

The Governor appreciated the measures of the State government in extending pensions and setting up dedicated helplines for the senior citizens.

The Central government too came up with National Plan for Senior Citizens and has extended the Ayushman Bharat scheme. Especially the Prime Minister Narendra Modi gave a special call to the people to give extra care to the elders in the family during this pandemic.

Special Secretary, Department of WCDSC, Government of Telangana Divya Devarajan, former principal secretary K. Damayanti, Mohd Reza Mohammad and Rajeshwar Devarakonda of Help Age India, VBJ Rao Chelikani of Senior Citizens organization, and M A Kumar Raja were among those who spoke on the occasion.

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