Indian Army Launches E-Car to Combat Pollution

The Indian Army in step with government policies on environmental protection has launched an ecological initiative with employing E Cars for use of its officials in New Delhi in partnership with Energy Efficiency Services Ltd (EESL), a Joint Venture of Central PSUs under Ministry of Power. The introduction of E-Car in Army at Delhi was visualised on World Environment Day and launched on 01 Aug 2019 with flagging off the first lot of E-Cars for Indian Army by QMG, Lt Gen Gopal R. Army plans to operate the first batch of 10 E-Cars as a pilot project and develop further on this initiative and increase the number of E Cars in Delhi to ensure economy, efficiency and minimal emissions.
It is pertinent to mention that the Army has always been at the forefront of environmental initiatives. Indian Army has a large number of Territorial Army Battalions (ECO) which have done yeoman service in environmental protection initiatives such as forestation. Army units posted in remote and ecologically sensitive areas from Kashmir to Kanya Kumari have been carrying out various activities in close coordination with the local populace to conserve the ecological balance and protect the environment.
Air pollution has been a major challenge in Delhi. Governments across the World are investing a lot of resources in fighting this menace. Electric vehicle technology has proved to be a viable alternative by reducing the carbon emission footprint. Indian companies like Tata Motors and Mahindra have taken a lead in R&D and manufacturing of Electric Cars. EESL has been the main facilitator in providing these vehicles to various Government agencies. Army’s initiative in encouraging these electric vehicles will go a long way in the further development of this technology and its adoption for the general public in the near future.