Immunity booster Herbal Tea from NIPER Mohali

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National Institutes of Pharmaceutical Education and Research (NIPERs) have introduced many innovative products like safety devices, sanitizers, and masks to fight the COVID epidemic. At the same time, it has also come up with an immunity booster Herbal Tea to strengthen physical resistance to infection.
As no new effective drug and vaccine are available yet to treat COVID-19, it is important for people to have a strong immune system so that they can fight any kind of infection easily and keep themselves safe. Keeping this in mind department of natural products, NIPER at SAS Nagar, Mohali has developed Immunity booster Herbal tea. This Herbal Tea is aimed at modulating the immune response in the body so that it may be used as a preventive remedy against COVID-19 viral infection.

A strong immune system protects individuals from infections and has the ability to neutralize and eliminate pathogenic micro-organisms such as bacteria, viruses, and any other kind of toxic products. Modulation of immune response could provide a substitute for anti-viral/anti-microbial drugs. Herbs are known to possess immunomodulatory properties which means that they produce both specific and nonspecific immune responses.

This Herbal Tea is a  combination of 6 locally available herbs like Aswagandha, Giloe, Mulethi, Tulsi, and Green Tea that are mixed in carefully selected proportion keeping in mind their action as an immunity enhancer, sensory appeal, ease of preparation and acceptable palatability. The selection of Herbs was based on the RASAYANA concept described in Ayurveda. Rasayana means rejuvenation. These Herbs have long been used in various Ayurvedic formulations and are known for their immunomodulatory effects. These Herbs act at the cellular immunity level and boost the immune response generated by our body to fight viral/bacterial diseases. The formula has been designed in a way to achieve the maximum immune-boosting effect.

This tea can be taken 3 times a day. It is also safe for children and aged persons. It is soothing on the throat and can help the body to fight seasonal flu problems also. It is an inhouse preparation with all the Herbs collected/procured from the NIPER medical plant garden on the campus.

NIPERs are the institutes of national importance under the aegis of the Department of Pharmaceutical, Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilizers. The seven institutes are functional at Ahmadabad, Hyderabad, Hajipur, Kolkata, Guwahati, Mohali, and Raebareli.

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