Thaman on Marriage: "Women Are Independent, Things Have Changed"

Thaman on Marriage: "Women Are Independent, Things Have Changed"

Tollywood music composer Thaman is currently one of the busiest musicians in the industry, composing for films featuring top stars. In a recent interview, he spoke about lifestyle, stress, and shared his views on the younger generation.

Discussing marriage, Thaman stated that women today are independent, pursuing education and careers on par with men. He remarked that they no longer feel the need to depend on someone else for their livelihood. He also pointed out the increasing influence of social media, particularly Instagram, which, according to him, has altered people’s mindsets and changed the way relationships function.

Thaman observed that even when people do get married, many end up separating after a short period. Given this trend, he stated, “Marriage is a waste.” He further added that if anyone sought his advice on the matter, he would suggest that they avoid getting married.

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