25 IAS Officers Transferred in Andhra Pradesh

25 IAS Officers Transferred in Andhra Pradesh

In a significant administrative reshuffle, the Andhra Pradesh government has transferred and assigned postings to 25 IAS officers. The changes were announced on Monday, signaling a major reorganization across various departments.

S. No.Name & IAS BatchCurrent PostNew Post/Post(s)
1Sri G. Sai Prasad, IAS (1991)Spl. Chief Secretary to Govt., Water Resources DepartmentSpl. Chief Secretary to Govt., Water Resources Department and Ex-Officio Spl. Chief Secretary to CM
2Sri Ajay Jain, IAS (1991)Spl. Chief Secretary to Govt., Housing DepartmentSpl. Chief Secretary, Housing; Additional charge of Spl. Chief Secretary, Tourism & Culture
3Sri Budithi Rajsekhar, IAS (Retd)Ex-Officio Spl. Chief Secretary, Agriculture, Sericulture, Cooperation & MarketingAdditional charge as Spl. Chief Secretary, AHDD&F Department
4Smt. K. Sunitha, IAS (1996)Principal Secretary to Govt., Industries & Commerce (H&T)Principal Secretary to Govt., Public Enterprises Department
5Dr. G. Vani Mohan, IAS (1996)Principal Secretary to Govt., GPM&AR DepartmentAdditional charge as Commissioner, Archaeology & Museums
6Sri Peeyush Kumar, IAS (1997)Principal Secretary to CMPrincipal Finance Secretary; Additional charge of Principal Secretary to Govt., Planning Department
7Sri Mukesh Kumar Meena, IAS (1998)Principal Secretary to Govt., Revenue (Excise) DepartmentPrincipal Secretary to Govt., GAD (Political); Additional charges, including Revenue (Excise)
8Sri S. Suresh Kumar, IAS (2000)Principal Secretary to Govt., I&I DepartmentPrincipal Secretary to Govt., MA&UD Department
9Sri Saurabh Gaur, IAS (2002)On leaveCommissioner, Civil Supplies & Ex-Officio Secretary to Govt.
10Sri Kona Sasidhar, IAS (2003)Secretary to Govt., School EducationAdditional charge as Secretary, Higher Education & Skill Development Departments
11Sri Bhaskar Katamneni, IAS (2004)Commissioner, CRDASecretary, ITC&E Department; Multiple additional responsibilities
12Smt. V. Karuna, IAS (2005)Commissioner, Health & Family WelfareCEO, SERP
13Dr. N. Yuvaraj, IAS (2005)Secretary to Govt., Industries & CommerceAdditional charge of Secretary, Infrastructure & Investment Department
14Sri Mudavathu M. Nayak, IAS (2005)Secretary to Govt., AHDD&F DepartmentSecretary to Govt., Social Welfare; Additional charge of Tribal Welfare Department
15Sri Pravin Kumar, IAS (2006)Commissioner & Director, Mines & GeologySecretary, Industries & Commerce (Mining) Department
16Sri Kanna Babu, IAS (2006)Secretary to Govt., Social Welfare DepartmentCommissioner, CRDA
17Sri M.V. Seshagiri Babu, IAS (2006)IG, Registration & StampsCommissioner of Labour
18Sri S. Satyanarayana, IAS (2012)Commissioner, EndowmentsSecretary to Govt., BC Welfare; Additional charge of EWS Welfare Department
19Sri Vadarevu Vinay Chand, IAS (2008)Secretary, Tourism & CultureSecretary, Revenue (Endowments); Additional charge of YAT&C Department
20Sri G. Veerapandian, IAS (2009)CEO, SERPCommissioner, Health & Family Welfare & MD, NHM
21Sri Hari Narayanan, IAS (2011)Director, Municipal AdministrationIG, Registration & Stamps
22Sri Girisha P.S., IAS (2012)VC&MD, Sports Authority of APVC&MD, APMSIDC; Additional charge as VC&MD, Sports Authority of AP
23Sri Pattanshetti Ravi Subash, IAS (2013)CMD, CPDCLCEO, NTR Vaidya Seva Trust
24Sri P. Sampath Kumar, IAS (2019)Municipal Commissioner, GVMCCDMA
25Sri V. Abishek, IAS (2020)Project Officer, ITDA, PaderuProject Administrator, Polavaram LA&RR

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