10-Year-Old Indian-Origin Genius Tops IQ Scores of Einstein and Hawking

A 10-year-old Indian-origin boy, Krish Arora, from Hounslow, West London, has outperformed world-renowned scientists Albert Einstein and Stephen Hawking in IQ scores. With a score of 162 on the Mensa IQ test, Krish has established himself as a prodigy, excelling in fields ranging from mathematics to music. Remarkably, his IQ is two points higher than Einstein's and Hawking's.
Krish’s extraordinary intelligence has earned him membership in the exclusive Mensa Society, an organization open only to individuals with exceptionally high IQs. Demonstrating his brilliance early on, Krish completed a mathematics book in just three hours at the age of four and mastered his class subjects within a single day at eight years old. Despite finding his school curriculum unchallenging, Krish remains passionate about learning and enjoys algebra, which he describes as his favorite subject.
Next year, Krish is set to join the prestigious Queen Elizabeth School in London. Besides academics, he excels in chess, where he reportedly defeated his chess teacher, and in music, having mastered the piano within two years. He has advanced four grades in six months and earned a spot in the "Hall of Fame" at the Trinity Music College.