Singapore delegation visits Rajasthan Vidhan Sabha

Jaipur, Nov 21 : A delegation from Singapore visited Rajasthan Vidhan Sabha on Thursday.
The Singapore delegation thoroughly understood the arrangements of the parliamentary system of the Rajasthan Vidhan Sabha and the traditions of the functioning of the House from Speaker Vasudev Devnani who gave detailed information on meetings of the House, arrangement of work, agenda, questions, slip system, adjournment motion on matters of public importance, reintroduction of bills etc.
Devnani also explained to the delegation the parliamentary system of the Singapore Legislative Assembly along with the system of various legislative assemblies.
Devnani has recently returned after a study tour of the Legislative Assemblies of Australia, Singapore, Indonesia and Japan. The delegation also visited the Museum of the Legislative Assembly.
“There are immense possibilities of expansion of work in various fields in Rajasthan. This tour will give a new direction to Rajasthan and Singapore's relationship,” said a member of the delegation.
The delegation from Singapore included senior Minister of State Jenil Puthucheary, Desmond Tan Kok Meng, Gen Siow Huang, Shawn Huang, Ji Yao Kyan, Ms. Rachel Ong, and Saktyadi Supaat, among others.
Meanwhile, the Assam Legislative Assembly Committee visited Rajasthan Vidhan Sabha and met Speaker Vasudev Devnani. The committee also visited the digital museum of the Legislative Assembly.
Devnani said that the role of parliamentary committees is important, adding that the stronger the committee, the more effectively the work will be done in the state government.