Exit Poll Results in Telangana: What Each Survey Reveals

Exit poll results from various surveys indicate that the BJP is likely to win the most seats in Telangana. The projections suggest that the BJP could secure between 7 to 12 seats, while the Congress party is expected to win between 5 to 9 seats. The BRS may win zero or at most one seat, according to these exit polls. The Hyderabad seat is anticipated to be won by the Majlis party.
Exit Poll Survey Results:
India TV-CNX Survey:
Congress: 6-8 seats
BRS: 0-1 seat
BJP: 8-10 seats
Majlis: 1 seat
Jan Ki Baat Survey:
Congress: 7-8 seats
BRS: 0-1 seat
BJP: 9-11 seats
Majlis: 1 seat
News Minute Survey:
Congress: 2 seats
BRS: 0-1 seat
BJP: 8-12 seats
Majlis: 1 seat
ABP Survey:
Congress: 7-9 seats
BJP: 7-9 seats
Others: 1 seat
Aara Mastan Survey:
Congress: 7-8 seats
BRS: 0 seats
BJP: 8-9 seats
Majlis: 1 seat
News18 Survey:
Congress: 5-8 seats
BJP: 7-10 seats
Others: 3-5 seats
TV9 Exit Poll Survey:
Congress: 8 seats
BJP: 7 seats
Majlis: 1 seat
Others: 1 seat
Centre for Politics and Policy Studies Survey:
Congress: 8-9 seats
BJP: 7-8 seats
Majlis: 1 seat
BRS: 0 seats