Gautam Sawang Not Qualified to Continue as APPSC Chairman: Pattabhi

It is well-known that the Andhra Pradesh High Court annulled the Group-1 Mains examination conducted by APPSC in 2018, following multiple rounds of evaluation of answer scripts, which drew severe criticism from the opposition parties. In this context, TDP National Spokesperson Kommareddy Pattabhiram held a press conference.
Pattabhiram made it clear that Gautam Sawang lacks the qualifications to continue as the chairman of APPSC. He challenged Sawang to a debate in front of the media with the evidence they have, asking, "Are you ready to discuss with the evidence we have in the presence of the media?" He expressed his indignation that Sawang is still holding his position despite making mistakes. Pattabhiram demanded that Sawang should resign before the Governor dismisses him.
He criticized the conduct, pointing out that there is evidence for manual evaluation of the Group-1 exam papers between December 2021 and February 2022, and accused them of misleading the court even after the evaluation. He revealed that they provided false affidavits to the court, claiming manual evaluation was only done after March 25, 2022.
Pattabhiram questioned how the evaluation was conducted for a second time, revealing that a letter was sent by Seetharamanjaneyulu for a second round of evaluation, which was not disclosed to the court.
"Will you deny the irregularities in Group-1 with evidence? If you didn’t conduct a manual evaluation, why did you pay Rs. 20 lakhs to the Highlanders? You conducted the evaluation once and then again. For the second evaluation, you paid Rs. 20 lakhs. Including GST for strong rooms, deluxe rooms, etc., you paid Rs. 20,06,000," Pattabhiram alleged.
He further challenged Sawang, "Shall we call the 30 police officers who came from Kurnool for security arrangements, Gautam Sawang?" He questioned the rationale behind sending the police if no evaluation was conducted.