Prime Minister Modi performs rituals at submerged Dwarka in the Arabian Sea... Here's the Video!

Gujarat: Prime Minister Narendra Modi today visited the submerged city of Dwarka, located in the Arabian Sea. He reached the bottom of the sea with the aid of an oxygen mask.
He performed special rituals there with devotion and reverence to the sacred land. He waved peacock feathers, which he brought with him, in a ceremonial gesture and later installed them there. Sitting in the padmasana posture, he prayed, remembering Lord Krishna, and was mesmerized by the divine city, believed to have been walked upon by Lord Krishna himself.
The city of Dwarka from the era of Mahabharata... The scriptures say that the city merged with the sea waters immediately after Lord Krishna's purpose of incarnation was fulfilled. The discovery of the submerged city of Dwarka by researchers lends strength to the claims that the events of the Mahabharata indeed took place.