How to set destination alert or wake up call while travelling in trains

Hyderabad: Train passengers are required to check in regularly for their destination while travelling in trains. One can check their place of the destination while travelling in the daytime, however, during the nighttime, it is not possible as lights in trains will be switched off. Passengers have to wake up throughout the night to check for their destinations. But from now, Indian Railways has introduced an alert feature option for passengers traveling on reservations to sleep peacefully on their berth.
As a part of this, you have to call 139, say the PNR number on your reservation ticket and verify the name of the railway station where you have to alight. This system allows you to receive a call on your cell phone 20 minutes before the destination. This facility is only available from 11 pm to 7 am. However, it is convenient for those who are travelling during the night.