Chinese President has power to stop Russia-Ukraine war: American economist

New Delhi: Russia, which has launched a war on Ukraine, is moving forward without caring for any country. The Ukrainian army is effectively repelling the fighting of Russian forces. However, the damage to Ukraine due to the Russian attacks remains huge. Despite the ongoing peace talks and the process of evacuation of civilians in the midst of the war ... Russian President Vladimir Putin has been adamant. Stephen, an American economist, says that only Chinese President Xi Jinping has the power to hold back Putin.
In an interview with CNBC, Stephen said, "Jinping is the only person in the world, who can change Putin's mind about the developments in Ukraine. Such is the bond between the two of them. The two countries have good trade relations as well as political understanding. There can be no doubt that China is playing the trump card in this affair. "In my view, the power to stop these tensions now lies with Jinping alone. Only he can influence Putin now," he said.
However, the Chinese Foreign Ministry said on Monday that its ties with Russia were "very strong" and that it had decided to remain steadfast in the matter. China has offered to try for a compromise between Russia and Ukraine if necessary. China, on the other hand, has been condemning various countries' sanctions on Russia over its invasion of Ukraine.