Job Mela for rowdy sheeters in Vijayawada

Job Mela for rowdy sheeters in Vijayawada

Vijayawada: Vijayawada city has attained a dubious distinction as a hub of hooligans. But, compared to the past, the number of rowdy sheeters in the city has now dropped drastically. At the same time, the city is relatively calm, with the number of rowdy gangs declining, thanks to the police as they are keeping a vigil on their activities. 

The rowdy sheeters, who were involved in rowdyism, are in a fix as they are unable to extort money from people and at the same, they have no job opportunities to eke out their livelihood. 

Vijayawada Police Commissioner Kanthi Rana Tata came to know about their plight during the interrogation of several rowdy sheeters. Hence, he has decided to provide them opportunities to those who gave up rowdyism and wanted to lead a new life.

As expected, the Commissioner held discussions with various companies and prepared the groundwork for a Job Mela in the city. The job fair, which was attended by representatives of about 16 companies, started on Saturday. 

Many rowdy sheeters and youth attended the job fair. If the companies provide jobs to the rowdy sheeters, they will start a new life, they said.. 

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