Healthcare providers seek favourable insurance policy

Hyderabad, Jan 30: Covid-19 has not just caused a health emergency, but also a financial emergency for millions of families. Prolonged illness and high medical bills added to the woes of people who were badly affected by this deadly infection.
Many are possibly still recovering from the damage caused to their health and financial planning. To overcome such situations in the future and for India to grow stronger and healthier, insurance is possibly the only solution.
Healthcare providers suggest that the Union government bring in a favourable policy in the upcoming Union Budget to encourage all Indians to opt for health insurance.
"Health insurance policies are not just to cover medical expenses, but insured individuals will have the freedom to avail quality healthcare. Changing lifestyles and newer ailments are posing increased threats to the well-being of our societies, and it is important we gear up to meet these challenges effectively," said D.V.S Soma Raju, Executive Director, SLG Hospital.
He hoped that Union Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman in her Budget speech will give importance to health insurance because only an 'Insured India' will develop into 'Healthy India' eventually.
"When age is on our side, we all are healthy and tend to take enhanced risks on personal and professional fronts. But there would be a time when we must think about the future and be prepared for any eventuality. Covid-19 infection and the unprecedented devastation it brought to mankind is the perfect warning to wake up and act. While we all must stay safe and ensure our health is well protected, taking health insurance will add to the welfare of the individuals, families, and the societies at large," said Hemanth Kaukuntla, Vice-Chairman, Century Hospitals.
Speaking on the significance of health insurance, Satwinder Singh Sabharwal, COO, Aware Gleneagles Global Hospital, said that fast-paced lifestyles, unhealthy eating habits, ever increasing levels of pollution, and growing incidences of diseases at a young age, could lead to medical emergencies at any stage and for anyone.
"Without proper insurance coverage, medical emergencies often leave families cash- strapped, which at times could be more damaging than the ailment itself," he added.
"Leading a financially secured life is the dream of every individual. Irrespective of saving enough money or not, one must give importance to apply for health insurance, because that is certainly the most important parameter for financial freedom. Health insurance provides prompt access to medical treatment, with the usual flexibility to customise policy as per individual's or family's needs," said C.Raghu, Director, Aster Prime Hospital.
In addition to encouraging more and more Indians to apply for insurance, healthcare professionals also wish the Union Finance Minister to make substantial allocation to improve health infrastructure in the country.