'KK Survey' Accurately Predicts Maharashtra Election Results!

'KK Survey' Accurately Predicts Maharashtra Election Results!

The predictions made by the KK Survey regarding the Maharashtra election results have proven to be accurate. The KK Survey’s exit polls had forecast that the NDA alliance would win 225 seats, and the results trend on Saturday aligned closely with this prediction. Political analysts noted that it is a matter of pride that the person behind this survey is a Telugu individual. Currently, NDA candidates are leading in 225 constituencies.

After the Andhra Pradesh Assembly election results, the name KK gained significant recognition in the Telugu states. The KK Survey had predicted that the TDP alliance would win the 2024 Assembly elections, with Jana Sena securing 21 seats. Its near 100% accuracy in predicting outcomes has enhanced the credibility of the KK Survey. However, the survey's predictions for the Haryana Assembly elections were off the mark.

This led to some skepticism about the KK Survey's predictions for the Maharashtra elections. While national surveys had broadly indicated an NDA victory in Maharashtra, none of them projected 225 seats for the alliance. Only the KK Survey made this specific claim. This created doubts among political circles, but KK confidently stated that the Maharashtra results would align precisely with the survey’s forecast and even challenged skeptics to note it down.

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