In dire circumstances for Khan, military top brass works towards face saving strategy

Islamabad, March 31:  Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan seems to be falling out of options to save his position as the Prime Minister against the no-confidence motion, put forward by the opposition alliance, which seems to have gathered a considerable amount of support in favour of the vote.

Khan, during his March 27 public rally in Islamabad, waved a letter, stating that his opposition and the attempt to oust his government, was part of a foreign conspiracy and plot, who he said had issues him a threat letter, warning of dire consequences if he managed to save his seat from the no-confidence motion.

The letter has become the centre of attention, since Khan expressed his desire to make it public and also shared some details with his cabinet members.

In view of the matter falling under the serious parameter of national security, the military's top brass was quick to stop Khan from revealing details of the alleged threat letter and called on the Prime Minister to discuss its sensitivity.

It is said that the top military brass is now engaging with Khan and the opposition parties and are working out a strategy to pan out an agreeable options for the political parties and a face saving agreement for the government and the opposition parties to get out of the current political crisis.

"The civil and military officials who attended the meeting mulled over backdoor talks for the next general elections," said an informed source.

"The huddle considered giving such options to the government and opposition which would be acceptable to both," the source added.

It was also revealed that the meeting also discussed holding of the next general elections and the durations of the interim government.

"The face-saving agreement would include holding general elections in the National Assembly as well as the four provincial assemblies," the source stated.

However, this was also stated that the no-trust voting would proceed as per schedule, making it clear that Khan may be allowed to be de-seated through the voting in the parliament, after which an interim-government would be formed and the country would go into the next general elections within the next three months.

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