Budget Session of Legislature to be a stormy affair

Hyderabad, March.9: The budget session of the Telangana Assembly and Council commencing from Friday is likely to raise a lot of din and dust what with the Opposition parties sharpening their arsenal to target the TRS Government on various issues concerning the state and the people.

         The session will start with Governor ESL Narasimhan addressing the joint sitting of members of both the Assembly and Council at10 a.m tomorrow and then adjourn to meet again on March 13. Soon after adjourning after the Governor’s address the Business Advisory Committees of both the Houses would meet and decide the business to be transacted during the session.

           Finance Minister Etela Rajender will present the budget for the year 2017-18 in the Assembly on March 13 while Deputy Chief Minister Kadiam Srihari will present it in the Upper House.

            The Opposition is likely to trail its blazing guns on the TRS Government for failing to fill up jobs as promised to the unemployed youth and students, fee reimbursement and scholarships to students, incurring huge expenditure for fulfilling vows taken by KCR to various deities, drinking water problem in the twin cities, alleged irregularities in the implementations of projects under Mission Kakatiya and Mission Bhagiratha, construction of two bedroom houses to the poor etc.

               The ruling TRS members have also getting ready to suitably counter all the Opposition charges. Thus amidst emotionally charged atmosphere both the Houses are bound to witness trading of charges and counter charges from both sides

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