Trump Supporter Defends Immigration Policy Despite Wife’s Arrest

Trump Supporter Defends Immigration Policy Despite Wife’s Arrest

A Peruvian woman, Camila Munoz, has been arrested in the United States for overstaying her visa, reportedly due to strict enforcement of immigration policies under President Donald Trump. Despite his wife’s arrest, her American husband, Bradley Bartel, remains supportive of Trump’s immigration stance.

Camila Munoz entered the United States in 2019 on a study and work visa. She later married Bradley Bartel, an American citizen. Their honeymoon was delayed due to COVID-19 restrictions and was finally held in February when the couple traveled to Puerto Rico. Upon returning to Wisconsin Airport, authorities detained Munoz for allegedly remaining in the country illegally after her visa had expired, leading to her imprisonment.

Bradley Bartel stated that he is a Trump supporter and voted for him in the recent presidential election. He acknowledged that his wife’s arrest resulted from Trump’s immigration policies but maintained that he does not regret supporting Trump. "Trump is trying to do what’s best for Americans," Bartel said. He added that Trump is not introducing new policies but rather enforcing existing ones more strictly.

Bartel alleged that he has faced backlash and received hateful messages following his wife’s arrest. He claimed that some people told him he deserved this outcome for supporting Trump and that he has encountered humiliation in his daily life. Despite the personal toll, Bartel affirmed his support for Trump’s immigration measures.

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