Police confirm honour killing, take Deepak into custody

The honour killing of a minor girl in Vijayawada took a dramatic turn with the police finding that the mother's charge stands proven. Deepak, a divorcee and neighbour of Nagma, had charged the parents with killing their daughter. The mother, Bibijan, had smothered her daughter to death with a pillow in honour killing when the girl was sleeping. The police who took up the investigation called for Deepak's mobile and call data records. What they saw shocked them. Deepak had stored the half-naked pictures of himself and Nagma therein. The charge of the mother was Deepak was sexually harassing her daughter. As a result she had to do the honour killing. The police registered the complaint of the girl's father and are investigating. The police confirmed that Deepak had truly harassed the girl. Deepak had shown the half-naked pictures of Nagma and himself to the mother Bibijan. Vexed by the harassment Bibijan had to take to the extreme step.

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