Who among doctors is a tricologist?

Sumati had a health problem and consulted a doctor. He  advised her to go to a dermatologist. Sumati was confused, as she did not understand what the doctor said. The doctor understood the mind of his patient and told her to consult a skin specialist (dermatologist). 

Gone are the days when all persons had to take treatment for any disease from one doctor only. Those doctors used to treat all kinds of diseases then. At that time, MBBS or MD doctors used to treat all diseases and MS degree holders did surgeries. That was the position many decades ago. Now, the field of medicine developed a lot such that every organ in the human body constituted a separate branch of medicine. Now, the MBBS degree holders are doing specialization in any of these separate branches of medicine. This article explains all about different medical specialists.

General Physician : They are called as general doctors and also a family doctor. They treat all diseases for which the treatment is available with medicines. If needed, these doctors refer you to a specialist doctor.

Dermatologist : This doctor treats all kinds of skin problems. There is a big difference between giving treatment for other health problems and skin problems. 

Gynecologist : This doctor is an expert in giving treatment for the diseases of women, pregnancy and female reproductive system.

Obstetrician : It is a special branch of gynecology. This doctor is a specialist in treating the diseases related to female reproductive system. 

Pediatrician : Children need treatment with much care. This doctor gives treatment for those persons till the age of 16 years from the just born stage.

Neonatologist : This doctor gives treatment for newborn infants and especially premature newborn infants. 

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Ophthalmologist : This doctor gives treatment for all kinds of problems of eyes. 

ENT Doctor : This doctor treats all kinds of problems of Ear, Nose and Throat. He can give treatment for burning sensation in throat and all kinds of problems of these three vital organs.

Orthopedist : This doctor treats all kinds of problems of muscles, joints and ligaments. They do all kinds of surgeries for these organs. 

Rheumatologist : This doctor is an expert in joints. Pains and tumors in joints are treated by this doctor. They also treat Rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis patients.

Immunologist : If an immune system has failed or weakened in a body, the help of this doctor is necessary for you. He also treats all kinds of diseases that result with the failure of immune system in the body. 

Urologist : This doctor treats all those health problems related with urinary system. Kidneys, adrenal glands and male reproductive organs come under urology. They also conduct surgeries if needed.

Cardiologist : Heart is the key organ in the human body. All kinds of problems of heart are treated by this specialist. 

Cardiovascular surgeon : He is an expert in conducting surgeries of heart. 

Neuro-Physician : This doctor gives treatment for the diseases of spinal cord and nervous system. Some health problems like headache, neck pain, memory loss, BP, fits, brain tumors are treated by this doctor. The surgery experts in this wing are called neuro surgeons.

Dentist : This doctor is an expert in tooth problems. In this too, there are so many specialists. Separate experts are there for changing teeth alignment, adding luster to teeth and kids' teeth problems. 

Psychiatrist : This doctor treats mental problems.

Pathologist : This doctor examines laboratory reports and decides the kind of health problems a person has. 

Radiologist : This doctor tries to find out the diseases by conducting X-rays, scanning, MRI and other tests. They also render radiology medical services to cancer patients.

Anesthesiologist : This doctor renders special medical services and trained in anesthesia and preoperative medicine.

General Surgeon : They are experts in conducting surgeries.

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Plastic Surgeon : He does reconstruction of facial and body defects due to trauma, burns, disease or birth disorders. Plastic surgery need not be considered as cosmetic alone. 

Pulmonologist : Lung diseases, inability in breathing and related issues are treated by this specialist. These doctors are also called as chest specialists.

Oncologist : This specialist treats the deadly cancer disease. Surgical oncologists are those doctors who do surgeries for the disease.

Nephrologist : All kinds of diseases of kidneys are treated by this doctor.

Endocrinologist : They are experts in treatment of glands and hormones. Hormonal disorders, thyroid, menopause, diabetes, obstruction of growth and other related problems are treated by this doctor.

Hematologist : Blood circulates throughout the body. If any problem arises, then the services of this specialist are needed. Hemophilia, blood cancer, lymph glands cancer, sickle cell anemia and other related health problems are treated by this doctor. Hematology is a part of internal medicine.

Gastroenterologist : This doctor gives treatment for the problems related with digestive system.

Andrologist : They treat all kinds of diseases related with the reproductive systems in men.

Audiology : They treat those patients who are suffering from deafness. They correct the problem of inability of hearing with the help of some machines.

Geneticist : Problems in genes are corrected by this specialist.

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Tricologist : Loss of hair, breakage of hair and other hair problems are treated by this doctor. They also conduct hair transplantation surgeries. 

So, first consult general physician (having MD qualification) if you have any health problem. If any special treatment is needed, he will refer you to a specialist.

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